Pilot LNG

LNG Developers.

At Pilot, we develop best-in-class LNG projects that are tailored to the unique challenges of every operating environment.

"A trusted and skillful pilot is imperative for energy organizations to navigate the ever-changing industry landscape"

Jonathan Cook, CEO

Decades of Experience.

Floating Regas Terminals
Land-Based Regas Terminals
Liquefaction Terminals

Headquartered in Houston, Pilot LNG is a clean energy infrastructure company focused on the delivery of liquefied natural gas (LNG) by developing and operating terminals for bunkering, import and export operations.

With a proven track record spanning decades, our professionals have consistently delivered projects despite the myriad of market complexities.

Meet the Team
Our Mission

Our commitment to responsible practices is unwavering.

LNG Loading Line

Why LNG?

A Cleaner Fuel

When compared to burning traditional fuel, natural gas emits 20-30% less greenhouse gases and over 90%  less pollutants like sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter.

Reliable and Stable Price

Over the past 10 years, natural gas prices have been 5x less volatile than their oil.

Fuel for the Future

Bio-LNG is produced from completely renewable resources, such as organic and industrial waste. Given that bio-LNG has nearly identical chemical properties to traditional LNG, its is an ideal alternative as a "drop-in-fuel" requiring little equipment modifications. Most importantly, the recycling of the organic and industrial waste feedstock reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 70% and 80%, respectively.



We understand the profound impact of our business decisions on society and the environment. Every decision we make is rooted in a deep sense of responsibility, ensuring sustainable growth and progress for our partners and the environment.

We are committed to the belief that liquified natural gas is the path to a low-carbon future. In the interest of furthering that belief, we deliver best-in-class, environmentally responsible projects.

We prioritize integrity, ensuring each action upholds our commitment to ethical business conduct.